Churnside Benefice

The Parishes of
South Cerney with Cerney Wick,
Siddington and Preston

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Bell Ringers

Bell Ringers

The bells at All Hallows are rung by a small team of enthusiastic volunteers usually on a Sunday morning and for weddings and funerals on request.

Some of us are experienced campanologists (bell ringers) while others are still learning and gaining experience.

Changeringing is both a physical and mental exercise and is a good hobby attracting people from all walks of life and all age groups.

New ringers are taught on a one to one basis by an experienced ringer and as with other skills some people will take longer to learn than others, although commitment is needed.

For further information or anyone interested in ringing contact Liz Pearse. Tel. 01285 861037

More information about bell ringing can be found at